How often have you driven through industrial areas or farmlands and noticed large cylindrical containers reaching into the Texas sky? These above-ground storage tanks, or AGSTs for short, are standard, especially in Texas, where industries and agriculture are booming.
What Exactly Are Above-Ground Storage Tanks?
AGSTs are large storage containers for various substances positioned above the ground. Unlike their buried counterparts, these tanks are easily accessible for maintenance and monitoring, making them ideal for storing multiple materials, including grains, water, chemicals, and oil. These commodities are essential for many industries that drive the Texas economy.
Why Are They Important in Texas?
AGSTs are particularly important in Texas due to the state's significant oil and agricultural industries. These tanks can store crude oil, processed petroleum products, and agricultural chemicals.
What Concerns Do AGSTs Pose?
However, owning a property with an AGSTs comes with some challenges. The age of the tank, the material it contained, and maintenance (or lack thereof) can all raise concerns.
For example, older tanks or those that store corrosive substances might be at a higher risk of leaking. Leaks can potentially lead to environmental or public health risks. Learn more about removal.
In site redevelopment or remediation cases, above-the-ground storage tanks can be obstacles that need removal to make way for whatever is coming next.
Challenges with Removal
Removing an above-ground storage tank (AGST) is not a one-size-fits-all project. Factors including the tank's content, location, and condition can significantly influence the approach and cost. Expert handling, careful planning, and professional removal help prevent accidents and environmental contamination.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How long does an AGST last?
A: A well-maintained AGST can last up to 40 years.
Q: Can any substance be stored in an AGST?
A: No. The AGST construction material determines what can safely be stored inside. For example, steel tanks are suitable for petroleum products but are not ideal for potentially corrosive chemicals.
Q: What's the first step in removing an AGST?
A: The initial step in the removal process is ensuring the tank is empty and cleaning it thoroughly to remove any hazardous residues. After completing these two steps, the tank's safe and safe physical dismantling begins.
Q: Are there regulations for maintaining an AGST in Texas?
A: Yes, Texas has specific regulations that govern the installation, maintenance, and inspection of AGSTs to prevent environmental contamination and ensure public safety.
Above-Ground Storage Tank Removal In Texas
So, while AGSTs are a familiar sight and hugely beneficial in the Lone Star State and beyond, they require careful consideration from both a usage and demolition perspective.
You must approach the task with the knowledge and caution. If you could use professional help with your project, contact Lloyd Nabors to start the conversation.